Pennywell All Care Centre


Pennywell All Care Centre

Clients: NHS Lothian

Dates: 2013 - 2018

Value: £9.8m

Project: New-Build Healthcare Facility

Location: Edinburgh


The Pennywell All Care Centre is an integral part of a wider housing-led program to regenerate the local area, which includes new mixed-tenure housing, public spaces, a secondary school and civic centre. The new facility was designed and built for NHS Lothian in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council, and developed by Hub South East Scotland under the hub Design-Build-Finance-Maintain (DBFM) procurement route.


The purpose-built facility offers patients a wide range of co-located services in a modern flexible building which has enabled NHS Lothian and The City of Edinburgh Council to develop an integrated and efficient model of service delivery. The facility benefits the whole of the Muirhouse and Pennywell area, bringing together a range of primary healthcare and support services including a new GP practice, physiotherapy, podiatry, dentistry, voluntary sector services and children, families health & social work services.


As a civic public building, it differentiates itself from the surrounding housing through scale and form, providing a strong street presence with active facades on three frontages, providing a positive contribution to the locale. 

The design was developed through extensive consultation with key stakeholders to understand the services needs and aspirations for the transformation of the services delivery. ‘Public’, non-clinical accommodation is readily accessible at street level. An internal public street provides horizontal and vertical access to all areas of the building for patients and other visitors, with upper floors dedicated to office accommodation in a shared open plan arrangement for NHS Lothian and City of Edinburgh Council staff.
