Balloch Shared Campus

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Balloch Shared Campus

Status: Completed 2015

Value: £12.3m

Type: New-build Primary School

Location: Alexandria, Scotland

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Balloch Shared Campus amalgamates three existing schools into a single facility for West Dunbartonshire Council. The dual faith facility provides for 747 pupils with an additional support needs base and Early Years area.

The open plan nature of Balloch provides for 21 flexible spaces, supporting an ethos of independent learning.  Multifaceted environments encourage agile and collaborative working where lessons take place in larger resource spaces, children can take ownership of their studies, utilising the school's ‘nooks and crannies’.

The adaptable design reflects the operational needs of a modern teaching facility where varied environments encourage children to form bonds across year groups.

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The design beautifully illustrates the transition of a child through the school, mirroring the journey each student has taken from junior to senior.

Strong links exist between indoor and outdoor spaces, with classrooms linked to 'growing laboratories’, bug hotels and recycled bottle greenhouses. These, along with the addition of conservation bat bricks allow students to consider their wider environment emphasising local sustainable and ecological topics.

Balloch Shared Campus was delivered by Morgan Sindall using SPA’s framework for schools and community buildings.

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