Principal Designer:
Elimination of all risks is our fundamental goal 


Holmes Miller utilise the experience and knowledge of senior personnel within our business to offer the role of Principal Designer, a complementary service to our commission as Architect and Lead Designer.  

As architects we fully understand that the design decisions we make pre-construction can have a fundamental impact on how our projects are built. We are therefore ideally placed to influence how projects should be delivered to eliminate risks and to secure the health and safety of everyone affected by the work. 

Whilst acting as Principal Designer we will: 

  • Plan, manage and coordinate health and safety in the pre-construction stages. 

  • Help and advise clients in preparing the pre-construction information and provide the information to designers and contractors to enable them to carry out their duties. 

  • Work with all designers to eliminate, reduce and control all foreseeable health and safety risks. 

  • Ensure coordination, cooperation and communication of all information between all parties pre-construction 

  • Liaise and inform the ‘Principal Contractor’ of all risks that require to managed during the construction works. 

Please feel free to contact us to discuss your health and safety requirements. 
